
Hearts are in harmony, love is stronger--Haifeng Haiphong District 2024 New Year Party Newsletter

On January 27, 2024 , Haifeng Haiphong District held a New Year’s party with the theme of “Hearts are in harmony, love is stronger”. More than 400 employees gathered together to welcome the New Year.

Through this theme, the importance of unity, friendship and family affection is conveyed, so that everyone can feel the warmth of the SITC family. At the party, various companies presented exciting dance, singing and other performances. The scene was full of laughter and joy. The joyful atmosphere of harmony and unity fully demonstrated the spirit of our united, positive and energetic Haifeng people.

In the new year, all employees of SITC Haiphong companies will continue to innovate, deepen development, care about environmental protection, and provide customers with high-quality, low-carbon and environmentally friendly supply chain services!