
Shanghai Port Waigaoqiao Empty Container Distribution Center was officially unveiled and opened

On January 25, 2024, the unveiling and opening ceremony of the Shanghai Port Waigaoqiao Empty Container Transportation Center was held at Shanghai SIPG Shengfeng International Container Development Co., Ltd. Gu Jinshan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of SIPG Group, Wang Haijian, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President of SIPG Group, Yang Shaopeng, Chairman and Executive Director of SITC International, Yang Xianxiang, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Executive Director and CEO of SITC International Group The ceremony was attended by heads of relevant departments and offices, Shanghai Customs, leaders of Gaodong Town and representatives of shipping companies.

Chairman Gu Jinshan and Chairman Yang Shaopeng jointly unveiled the nameplate of Shanghai SIPG Shengfeng International Container Development Co., Ltd.

Yang Xianxiang, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Executive Director and CEO of SITC International, and Wang Haijian, Vice President of SIPG, delivered speeches respectively.

The opening of the Shanghai Port Waigaoqiao Empty Container Transportation Center is the result of the deepening cooperation between SIPG and SITC International. It will lead the development of the shipping logistics industry with innovative thinking and actions, become a green, environmentally friendly and intelligent carrier, provide high-quality services to shipping companies, and become an innovative model for the green development of Shanghai Port.