
All the rivers go to the sea, and the dragon leaps into prosperity - 2024 SITC Xiamen New Year Party

On January 11, 2024 , SITC Xiamen held a New Year's party with the theme of "Many rivers go to the sea, and the dragon leaps forward to a prosperous year". Mr. Yang Xianxiang, CEO of SITC International , and 73 employees in Xiamen gathered together in a festive and peaceful atmosphere to participate in the grand ceremony.

  At the party, CEO Yang Xianxiang delivered a New Year's speech. Looking back on the past 2023, he fully affirmed the good results achieved by all Xiamen companies through the unremitting efforts of all employees. In the new year, he hopes that everyone will continue their efforts and create a more brilliant future. future. During the party, various departments performed various performances, including dancing, singing, reciting and other exciting programs. The atmosphere was warm and the climax was high. The laughter and laughter continued to ripple through the venue, which was a perfect ending to this New Year's party.

Looking forward to 2024, all employees of SITC Xiamen companies will uphold the concept of green environmental protection, shoulder the sense of social responsibility, continue to go all out and create greater glories!