
SITC International and Xiamen Port Holdings jointly open a new chapter of green intelligence - Xiamen Oceanwide Empty Container Center is officially opened

On January 11, 2024 , the empty container center of Xiamen Fanhailian International Integrated Logistics Co., Ltd. was officially opened under the witness of both shareholders. The opening of the empty container center is not only the result of deepening business cooperation between the two parties, but also an important measure to promote the green development of the port and shipping industry.

As a strategic cooperation project between SITC International and Xiamen Port, Xiamen Oceanwide Empty Container Center is committed to optimizing resource allocation, improving logistics service efficiency and promoting sustainable development.

Yang Xianxiang, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of SITC International Holdings, said: "SITC International has always adhered to the concept of sustainable development and is committed to promoting environmental protection and green shipping. The cooperation with Xiamen Port enables us to jointly build a green and intelligent Empty container center. We will use advanced energy-saving technology and clean energy to strengthen resource recycling and reduce the impact on the environment. This move will not only enhance the sustainable development level of the port and shipping industry, but also set a good example for the green development of Xiamen Port A new benchmark.”

In the future, Xiamen Oceanwide Empty Container Center will continue to give full play to its own advantages, continuously explore and develop its unique advantages, and become an innovative model for building strategic cooperation projects for port and shipping enterprises through continuous innovation and improvement of services. At the same time, we will fully implement the ESG (environmental, social and governance) concept and strive to create a green, environmentally friendly and intelligent storage yard. By using advanced environmentally friendly technologies and clean energy, we reduce our impact on the environment; we also pay attention to employee health and social responsibilities to promote sustainable development.

In addition, Xiamen Oceanwide Empty Container Center will continue to rely on advanced information technology to build comprehensive electronic operations. As the first yard in Xiamen Port to successfully apply intelligent information systems, it has now fully realized "paperless" operations, improving operating efficiency and accuracy. This intelligent operating model will bring customers a more convenient and efficient service experience, further improving the logistics business environment.